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Valencia College
Jun 4, 20242 min read
Week 4: Starting Arduino Code
Phone App: Block code was restructured for simpler view of all the code for each mode/ Bluetooth initialization [18] [19]. The AUTO and...
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Jordan Seepersad
May 28, 20241 min read
Week 3: Finished Mechanical Work / Motor & Temperature Testing
*During week 2, it became evident that the motor either lacked sufficient torque or wasn't receiving enough power for the torque neede....
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May 28, 20241 min read
Week 3: Sensors / Battery Charger Circuit
Initially tested multiple sensors communicating to the same MCU simultaneously using their average value to adjust the LED's as well as...
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May 28, 20241 min read
Week 3: App progression / Arduino Flowchart
The manual mode is completed for the phone app and was tested to demonstrate the user saved timers/ user able to delete any previous...
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May 21, 20241 min read
Week 2 Sensor Modules Progression
Both the ambient and incident light sensors were tested multiple times to ensure proper operation. The test consisted of turning on and...
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Jordan Seepersad
May 21, 20241 min read
Week 2: Blinds Mechanical Progression
*At the end of week 1, the motor with the coupling was able to move the blinds up or down in 30 degrees (in 10 degree increments),...
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May 20, 20241 min read
Week 2: Phone App Progression
Phone App will read the current time on the phone and send it to Arduino [7]. The Custom Mode virtual screen has been implemented [8]....
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May 14, 20242 min read
Week 1: Phone App (Revised Post)
Phone App: Made the first screen for phone app screen for user to connect to Arduino and have selection of modes: AUTO, MANUAL, CUSTOM...
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May 14, 20241 min read
Week 1 Sensor Modules
Began working on sensor codes for BH1750 and TSL2591 to regulate room lighting and automated blinds. Separated the code for each sensor...
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Jordan Seepersad
May 14, 20241 min read
Week 1: Blinds Mechanical Progress
Configuring the microcontroller, motor driver, and motor to work with each other. Preparing to build the frame for blinds. Finished Frame...
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